Friday, June 5, 2009

What an unexpectedly crazy busy week!

I haven't kept up with any of my usual things.

My Google Reader is overflowing with unread posts. My blog has dust and leaves blowing through it, and all of my good house-cleaning intentions have gone the way of the Dodo. Most telling of all is that fact that for two days there, I wasn't reading anything! I usually read a few books at a time, and suddenly didn't have the space in my life to even pick up one.

On the other hand, I have been having fun and being productive in other parts of my life. I really am not designed to do it all. Something always gets the short shrift.

This week I met up with an old friend who was in town for an evening, and made new friends with his buddies as well as five dogs and six horses, one of which tried to eat my boob. I have been sick, again, but only mildly. The amateur diagnoses range from Kennel Cough to Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis. It got to the point where I even pulled out my immunization card ... but I knew if the conversation stayed on me any longer, I'd be diagnosed with SARS or swine-flu in a heartbeat. (really, it's just a cough)

I also made considerable time in my schedule to go to one of the worst job fairs ever. There were somewhere between 15 and 20 booths in a conference room. Half the attendees weren't accepting resumes. I mean, really? At a job fair? And half the attendees who were accepting resumes, but you could tell they were going to be filed under G, because they told you to go to the web site and apply there.

Then there was a strong showing my Army, Naval Reserves, Fire Department and the Dept of Corrections. Great if you're a strapping 18 year old wondering what to do with your brains and brawn. Not so great for a 36 year old "well-padded" woman who has limited tolerance for being told what to do.

It was not a good job fair.

I did get complimented by my husband on how good I looked in my monkey suit. I think he's just shocked whenever I wear make-up and clothes that have been tailored.

And the book thing resolved itself too - last night at 4:00am - I couldn't get to sleep and finally picked up a book and read until 5, when the sun started to come up and my lashes started to go down.

Today was a bust. I spent almost 6 hours trying to get to sleep last night so I could be up and attentive for a 9am meeting. A meeting I wasn't even sure I wanted to attend because I wasn't being paid for my time and the company sounds like a sham. But I made it to the meeting, and after half an hour I knew this wasn't the place for me to be. A few polite exchanges later I was "excused" from the event and rushed back home to reclaim that sleep, but by then, the caffeine that I'd ingested to make it through said meeting had already hit my system.

Ugh. So I was exhausted, irritated, caffeinated, and grudgingly awake.
My minor illness came to my rescue (the swine flu I don't have) and I took a small hit off a bottle of generic Nyquil while I finished the novella I started last night. 7 blissful hours later I'm awake and functioning again - but the day? It was a total bust.

Oh, and another reason I've fallen behind? So You Think You Can Dance has started for 2009. I am a total and unapologetic addict. So a lot of my time has been devoted to that as well.

Currently reading: The Watson Brothers
Just finished: Talk Me Down


Erika said...

My DD and I just started watching SYTYCD. I'm a Brandon Brant addict. (See my blog) :D

Hope you're feeling better, glad it's not the swine flu. Ugh.

Venus Vaughn said...

Ooh girl! I just hit your site and saw all the SYTYCD goodness, but I can't stay and watch cuz I have to go to dinner tonight and need to get ready. But I will be back, and we can fan-girl our lil hearts out :-)

The swine flu and / kennel cough / drug-resistant TB / pertussis / SARS has faded into a very manageable cough. I predict complete health in 3 days or less.

Hope you're having a good weekend.

Kate Douglas said...

I sure hope you're feeling better...I hate to think that ANYONE who reads any of my books might not be really, REALLY healthy for...well, you get my drift! Luck on the job thing, too, but don't forget to write!

Venus Vaughn said...

Kate, I can feel the health seeping back into my bones, day by day. I'll be ready for WTV in no time at all :-)

Thanks for the job luck. I think I'll have to hit the mean streets again tomorrow. Afterwards though, it's off to the coffeeshop with MP3 player and laptop in hand.